About Us

Since 2010, Assisted Living Technologies has provided technological solutions that promote independence, safety, and improved quality of life for elderly and individuals with special needs living in private homes and community-based settings. Our range of solutions includes products for fall prevention, emergency response, remote monitoring, medication management, and home safety.
First of Our Kind
We are the first company of our kind in Connecticut — a company whose mission is to provide products that utilize high-tech solutions to promote aging in place and increased independence for the elderly and those with special needs.
We recognize that there are more elderly and special needs individuals living in their homes and community-based settings than ever before, and that an increased need for products and services to keep them living there safely must be met. Our dedication to meeting the need has led us into membership with the Connecticut Care Planning Counsel, the Connecticut Association for Healthcare at Home, and the National Care Planning Counsel.
Our Sister Company
Assisted Living Technologies is a subsidiary of Assisted Living Services, Inc. Established in 1996, Assisted Living Services, Inc. is a statewide provider of home-care services based in Cheshire, Connecticut, with a branch location in Fairfield, with expansion for other offices planned.
We work with Assisted Living Services, Inc. to provide seniors and those with special needs the support they need to live as safely, comfortably, and independently as possible. Our company provides technologically advanced products for senior care and special needs. Assisted Living Services, Inc. provides quality in-home care services that our products can enhance.
Contact Us Today
We are committed to helping the elderly and special needs individuals live with peace of mind and dignity. For more information about our company and products, please call us at (203) 235-TECH (8324), or use our CONTACT FORM.