The best medical alert system on the market.

Silent Call - Medallion Series Shake-Up Receiver with Vibrator

Silent Call - Medallion Series Shake-Up Receiver with Vibrator

Shake up to an alert to smoke, fire or carbon monoxide when sleeping with your hearing aid removed. The Medallion Series Shake-Up Receiver with Vibrator works with single or multiple Medallion Series smoke, fire transmitters or carbon monoxide detectors.

How it Works:

  • When a transmitter signals a warning, the receiver activates a bed vibrator to awaken you and alert you to the potential danger
  • Position the bed vibrator between your mattress and box spring and place the receiver on your nightstand; it plugs into any standard 110-volt electrical outlet.

Requires a Silent Call Medallion Series Mini Receiver*

*For local Connecticut Installation please call us at 203-235-8324*

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